Saturday, July 25, 2009

About this blog

I've started this blog as way for those of us who have stuff that they would like to sell to be able to do so from their blog. Ebay can be expensive and quite often you don't get the price you want. Forums you visit with trading areas may have specifics on what can and can't be sold (and their value). Garage sales can be a real pain to set up and organise with young kids.
The same goes when trying to buy these things second hand. Dragging kids in an out of garage sales and op shops isn't my idea of a fun time. I prefer to buy some stuff second hand both for the cost, and the sake of the environment - and sometimes you can't get what you want in the shops (like warm clothes in spring!).
From this blog, you can link your blog to sell anything related to babies and kids - including maternity stuff. Sell your baby carriers, MCN's, clothing, DVD's etc... just keep it related to these types of items.

Please don't sell anything that is illegal or unsafe, and be sensible when purchasing things from people you don't know. While I welcome anyone to post a link to their blog, I will without hesitation ban those who abuse the trust of those who visit here.

The only requirements to having your link here are that your items fit the criteria, and that you have a valid email address that I (and potential purchasers) can contact you on. You don't need to put your email on your blog as long as people can leave comments. I will check all sites before posting their links.

I would also ask you to consider putting a link to this blog on your site. The more mums that read my blog, the bigger the audience there is for you and anyone else that has stuff for sale.

Thanks for visiting :) And please email me (there's a button on the right hand side) to include your blog link here.